High-tension power lines like these in Freeport, CA carry much of the world's electricity |
In 2010, the world consumed 524 quads of energy.
Don’t know how much that is? It’s about the same as 153,570
terrawatt-hours. Still don’t know how much that is?
Units are intended
to give a number a sense of scale, but a little familiarity with a
scale is necessary to make them useful. Is 500 kBTU more than 500 kWh?
Does a wind turbine produce closer to 5 kW of power or 5 MW? How many
power plants does it take to produce a terrawatt anyway?
Most people have a good understanding of a single scale in each of
the four basic measures- length, mass, time, and temperature. But new
scales and units are tough to grasp, and this is why much of the US
has yet to adopt the metric system- not because we can’t convert,
but just because we’re not familiar with standard benchmarks, such as the distance "a hundred meters". What really helps is to develop an internal scale with more familiar objects and values. Randall Munroe from XKCD has a handy guide for interpreting metric units, using some familiar and some not-so-familiar scales.
But, for the average
citizen, we don't have many familiar benchmarks in the realm of
energy and power scales- especially when we get into larger scales. Maybe you know that a standard, inefficient incandescent bulb
draws 60 Watts of power, but if you were asked to estimate what draws
6,000 Watts, you'll probably have more trouble (and answering 100 light-bulbs doesn't count). So below, you’ll find a handy guide to
understanding energy units- and maybe you’ll be able to get the
answers to some of the questions above.
Energy and Power
Energy is at its core a measure of work that can be done. In
the physics world, work can mean a lot of things- moving a solid
object, generating heat, or powering the electronic computer on which
you're reading this. Energy can be used to describe electricity, or
power from other means- the chemical energy a fuel or food contains,
or the change in temperature of any object or fluid.
Lets start with two
common scales to measure energy: the kilowatt-hour (kWh) and
the British thermal unit (BTU). Conventionally, we use
the kilowatt-hour most often to describe electrical energy, and the British thermal
unit to describe thermal energy, or heat- as you may have deduced from the latter's
name. Despite the convention, they are effectively interchangeable as measures of energy.
If you've ever payed your electric bill, you'll recognize the
kilowatt-hour- it's used
universally across the US. The BTU
on the other hand has it's roots in quantifying heating fuels, and a
single BTU is defined as the theoretical energy required to heat a single pound
of water one degree Fahrenheit (There are 8.33 pounds of water in a gallon).
A kWh is
significantly larger than a BTU- in fact, 3,412.14 times larger.
That's why it's sometimes more useful to report BTUs in kBTUs, a
thousand BTUs- just as a kilowatt-hour is a sum of 1000 watt-hours.
1 kWh = 3.41214 kBTU
The average lightning bolt carries 1400 kWh (4775 kBTU) of energy |
So now we know some basic terms about energy. But when you are talking about energy, and especially electricity, you've got to also mention Power. While energy is a measure of total work that can be done, power is a measure of the rate at which energy is delivered- energy divided by time. Power is incredibly important for electronics, because they need a very stable source of power- too little energy at a time and a device won't function, too much and it could be completely fried- so yes, it's definitely important.
is most often talked about in the watt (W). You'll
notice similarities in the terms “watt” and “watt-hour”.
That's because a watt-hour is the amount of energy used by a device
which draws one watt of power for one hour (yes, it's that easy). Similarly, an object that draws one kilowatt will consume a kilowatt-hour in one hour.
So now we know a little bit about both energy and power. But how much
is a lot?
Household appliances will usually describe their power draw in watts
somewhere on their packaging, which can be a good thing to pay
attention to as a conscientious consumer. Here are some standard
power levels of common household electronics:
Remember, however, that energy is consumed only when a device is on. Even though a
microwave uses on average a kilowatt and a half of power, you
probably run it less than 15 minutes a day, and your lights will be
on for hours- more then likely, they're the greater contributor to your utility bill. And because lights are used so often, LED light bulbs-
four times as efficient as incandescent bulbs- can save some serious
Fuels and Energy Content
The biggest home energy expense, however, is often heat- and more often then not, heat generated with electricity. Two-thirds of US homes use some sort of fuel- whether it be natural gas, heating oil, kerosene, or wood- to heat their homes. These fuels are all different and contain different amounts of energy.
Natural Gas
Unless you have an electric stovetop, your stove likely burns natural gas- emitting distinctive blue flames. |
Natural gas is the most popular fuel for home heating- in much of the
country it is delivered via efficient underground pipelines. Unlike
most of the other fuels used in the US natural gas is, well, a gas-
and actually more buoyant than ambient air. Natural gas is often
measured by the considerably odd unit of the centum cubic feet
(Ccf), meaning 100 cubic feet (From the latin prefix instead of
the internationally accepted “hecto-”, from greek). 100 Ccf is
most notably pretty close to 1 Therm of natural gas- defined
as the amount of gas that contains 100 kBTU of energy.
The conversion of Ccf to Therms actually varies based on the purity
of the gas in question- but typically averages to about 1.023 therms,
as of 2011. So we get the final conversion:
1 Ccf Natural Gas = 1.023 Therms = 102.3 kBTU
It's handy to bring this back to our definition of BTUs- 100 cubic feet of natural gas could heat 1000 pounds of water 102.3 degrees Fahrenheit, excluding efficiency losses. Put another way, with that much gas you could completely boil away about 11 gallons of water.
Fuel Oil
Fuel oil is most often delivered by tanker truck |
Fuel oil is the second most popular non-electric heating fuel in the US.
Typically used in areas without gas pipelines, it has to be delivered
by truck. Fuel oil is similar to other liquid fuels, such as diesel
oil and gasoline, but with a slightly different chemical makeup. Fuel
oil is sold by the gallon, and although the energy content can vary by composition, on average each gallon contains a little more
energy than a ccf of natural gas.
1 Gallon Fuel Oil = 140 kBTU
A single cord of wood is quite a lot |
I'm going to bet you know what wood is- it comes from trees, and all
that. It's one of the first fuels used by humans, but now it's mostly used in rural states where it is cheap and abundant. It's
often sold in bulk by the cord- which is defined as a stack of wood 4
by 4 by 8 feet, or around 128 cubic feet (some air space). A cord can vary in energy content by type of wood and even how it's stacked- but as an estimation, a cord of wood typically contains 12,000 kBTU.
1 Cord Wood = 12,000 kBTU
There's a lot of energy in a cord of wood- but a cord is a lot of wood. Don't worry, we'll normalize all these fuels to weight at the end of this section.
But before we do, there's a lot of fuels used in the US that aren't typically home heating fuels but are certainly worth mentioning. I'll bet you've heard of them.
Coal has dominated US electrical generation for decades, but natural gas has begun to overtake it in 2013. |
Coal is the waning king of US electrical generation- and one of the
US's most plentiful natural fuels. It's a black rock rich in organic matter, and like oil, comes in several grades and purities. Coal is hardly
used in small quantities, and is most often reported by the short
ton- 2000 pounds.
Chances are, if you're a human with access to a computer and the internet, you've used
gasoline directly before. As the primary transportation fuel worldwide, it's
hard to escape it. Gasoline is sold by the gallon (in the US), and is very similar to fuel oil. The kind of gasoline we use in cars is typically a little less viscous and easier to pump and transport than fuel oil, but contains slightly less energy.
Gallon Gasoline = 125 kBTU
Both fuel oil and gasoline are both generated from the same petroleum precursor- and the distinction between them is a little 'fluid'. There are many different petroleum fuels with varying energy contents and properties- but the numbers reported here are closest to US convention.
1 Gallon Gasoline = 125 kBTU
Both fuel oil and gasoline are both generated from the same petroleum precursor- and the distinction between them is a little 'fluid'. There are many different petroleum fuels with varying energy contents and properties- but the numbers reported here are closest to US convention.
Uranium ore goes through considerable processing before it can be used as a fuel |
Nuclear power operates entirely differently than any other power
source humanity currently operates. While renewable energy systems
exploit natural energy gradients, and fossil fuels are burned to
release energy, nuclear power captures energy from the nuclear decay
of atoms. This results in radioactive waste- but also an extreme
amount of energy. Because uranium can be processed and used different ways, defining the thermal heat content of uranium isn't exactly easy, but the world nuclear association reports:
1 Pound Uranium = 21,500 kBTU
That's a lot- much more energy per weight than any other fuel.
Now we know some standard energy benchmarks for a lot of different fuels- but to be fair to those fuels, we should really standardize them by weight:
Standardized energy per weight
is the energy-density of a fuel, a good indication of roughly
how easy it is to transport and store the fuel. The higher the energy density, the less physical fuel is required to generate the same amount of energy. If you need to produce 1000 kBTU, it might be easier to transport 30 kg of gasoline than 115 kg of wood.
A Note on Tons:
Tons are a bit of a sticky unit- and the mainstream media misuses them often. A “ton” can mean several different things- so here's a little clarification:
In the US, a short ton is most common. This is equal to 2000
pounds. Interestingly, this is a unit of weight and not mass, but the
distinction rarely matters.
Internationally, most often considered is the metric ton (or
tonne)- which equals 1000 kilograms. As 1 kilogram is 2.205 lbs,
a metric ton is actually bigger than a short ton.
Officially accepted in the UK is the long ton, which, for
inexplicable reasons, is equal to 2240 pounds, making it the largest
of the bunch.
It's incredibly important to understand what ton you're talking about
when reading scientific literature- and if it isn't stated, consider
the country of origin of the source material. Note that not all news
articles get this right. Either way, here's a handy guide to how big
tons are in relation to each other:
Scaling Up
Now we have a good idea of energy units and how much energy different fuels contain. Lets take a look at what that means on a large scale:
The average US home used 90,000
kBTU of energy in 2009. If the home was all-electric, this would be
close to 26,300 kWh over the course of the year. On average, this
amount of energy cost a home $2,024 USD.
Annual Household Energy Consumption = 90,000 kBTU = 26,300 kWh
This energy use varies a lot by size, type, and location of the home. But according to EIA stats, that's the average. And in 2009, there were around 113 million occupied homes in the US- so what does that mean in total? It means we need a bigger energy unit.
A Quad is equal to a quadrillion (10^15) British Thermal
Units, or a trillion kBTU. At large scales, it's absolutely
necessary. A Terawatt-hour is equal to 1 billion
Quad = 1,000,000,000,000 kBTU
TWh = 1,000,000,000 kWh
Quad = 239.07 TWh
So yes, a quad is bigger- but both are astronomically large. In 2009, US comes consumed:
Total US
Residential Energy Consumption = 10.183 Quads = 2,434.4 TWh
That's a lot. But in actuality, most homes are powered by a mix of these fuels, or electricity generated by them. Electricity is typically less than half of energy use in homes, however- on average, 11,320 kWh.
The Electricity Grid
Electricity on the energy grid is wholly different. The largest uses are large industrial and commercial complexes- and the US electricity grid hit a full 3,883 TWh in 2011. We've got to power that somehow.
Sunforce sells a small, 1 square meter solar panel with a maximum
output of 130 Watts for about $700. Typical solar panels in the US
have a variable capacity factor from 13-19%- so, over the course of a
year, it can be expected to generate somewhere between 150 and 220
kWh. It's not a whole lot, but it'll take the edge off of your electrical bills.
1 Quad = 1,000,000,000,000 kBTU
1 TWh = 1,000,000,000 kWh
1 Quad = 239.07 TWh
So yes, a quad is bigger- but both are astronomically large. In 2009, US comes consumed:
Total US Residential Energy Consumption = 10.183 Quads = 2,434.4 TWh
That's a lot. But in actuality, most homes are powered by a mix of these fuels, or electricity generated by them. Electricity is typically less than half of energy use in homes, however- on average, 11,320 kWh.
The Electricity Grid
Electricity on the energy grid is wholly different. The largest uses are large industrial and commercial complexes- and the US electricity grid hit a full 3,883 TWh in 2011. We've got to power that somehow.
Sunforce sells a small, 1 square meter solar panel with a maximum
output of 130 Watts for about $700. Typical solar panels in the US
have a variable capacity factor from 13-19%- so, over the course of a
year, it can be expected to generate somewhere between 150 and 220
kWh. It's not a whole lot, but it'll take the edge off of your electrical bills.
Solar Panel Generation = 150 - 220 kWh
Solar Panel Generation = 150 - 220 kWh
Wind turbines have cropped up in lots of areas across the US
recently, sparking debates about appropriate locations to place them.
A typical, modern wind turbine has a maximum generation capacity of 2.5 MW. Wind
turbines are rarely operating at full capacity, but the average
turbine of this size will produce somewhere close to 5,475 MWh in a
year, enough to generate the energy consumption of 480 homes.
Wind Turbine Generation = 5,475 MWh
Hydroelectric Power is the largest sector of
renewable energy in the world today
Commercial hydroelectric plants are a great, reliable source of
electricity. While they vary in size, the average US plant has a
maximum output of just under 20 MW – close to that of 8 wind
turbines- and an average US capacity factor of 46%, meaning that it's generating power much more often than wind. That means we're generating
80,000 MWh in a year- powering over 7,000 homes. Pretty good.
Yearly Hydroelectric Plant Generation = 80,000 MWh
Fossil fuel plants are the mainstay of the US electrical grid
US fossil fuel & nuclear reactors can vary pretty wildly in size, but large, grid-baseload units can max out with a capacity of almost 1 GW. That's
quite a bit- equivalent to the maximum generation of 400 wind
turbines. Because these units consume costly fuel, many only run when they're needed, but a baseload coal or nuclear power plant
can operate at full output 85% of the time and generate 7.4 TWh in a
Coal/Nuclear Plant Generation: 7,450,000 MWh
That's a lot. These large
baseload plants generate electricity around the clock to keep you
supplied- and each one produces enough electricity to power 658,000
OK- now we know how big power
plants are. Lets crank this up a notch.
The National Energy Flow
We've already mentioned that the
US consumed 3,883 TWh in 2011. It in fact generated
4,054 TWh- some electricity is lost in transmission, and some is
actually bought and sold across our borders with Canada and Mexico-
but we're a net importer, with just over 47 TWh imported, the
majority of it from Canada. That means that about 5.32% of
electricity put onto the grid was wasted, lost through inefficiency.
Generating 4,000 Terrawatt-hours isn't easy, and the US has used a mix of generation strategies to do it.
In 2011, the US generated:
1.8 TWh from Solar Energy
15.3 TWh from Geothermal Energy
19.2 TWh from Biomass and Waste Burning
30.2 TWh from Petroleum & Oil
37.4 TWh from Wood & Wood Derived Fuels
120.2 TWh from Wind Energy
319.4 TWh from Hydro Electric Power
790.2 TWh from Nuclear Electric Power
1,013.7 TWh from Natural Gas
1,733.4 TWh from Coal
25.7 TWh from Other Sources & Unconventional Fuels
And what about our fuels? Well, we used some of them in the generation of the electricity above- but we used more than just that to generate heat for our homes, mechanical energy for our cars and energy for industrial processes and manufacturing. In sum total, we managed to consume a lot:
702,000,000 short tons of Coal
243,935,000,000 Ccf of Natural Gas
282,944,000,000 gallons of Petroleum
Overall, all of these energy sources contributed to a total use
of just over 78 Quads of primary energy in 2011. That's
78,000,000,000,000,000 British Thermal Units.
Now that is a pretty big number.
Wind turbines have cropped up in lots of areas across the US recently, sparking debates about appropriate locations to place them. |
A typical, modern wind turbine has a maximum generation capacity of 2.5 MW. Wind turbines are rarely operating at full capacity, but the average turbine of this size will produce somewhere close to 5,475 MWh in a year, enough to generate the energy consumption of 480 homes.
Yearly Wind Turbine Generation = 5,475 MWh
Hydroelectric Power is the largest sector of renewable energy in the world today |
Commercial hydroelectric plants are a great, reliable source of electricity. While they vary in size, the average US plant has a maximum output of just under 20 MW – close to that of 8 wind turbines- and an average US capacity factor of 46%, meaning that it's generating power much more often than wind. That means we're generating 80,000 MWh in a year- powering over 7,000 homes. Pretty good.
Average Yearly Hydroelectric Plant Generation = 80,000 MWh
Fossil fuel plants are the mainstay of the US electrical grid |
US fossil fuel & nuclear reactors can vary pretty wildly in size, but large, grid-baseload units can max out with a capacity of almost 1 GW. That's quite a bit- equivalent to the maximum generation of 400 wind turbines. Because these units consume costly fuel, many only run when they're needed, but a baseload coal or nuclear power plant can operate at full output 85% of the time and generate 7.4 TWh in a year.
Large Coal/Nuclear Plant Generation: 7,450,000 MWh
That's a lot. These large baseload plants generate electricity around the clock to keep you supplied- and each one produces enough electricity to power 658,000 homes.
OK- now we know how big power
plants are. Lets crank this up a notch.
The National Energy Flow
We've already mentioned that the US consumed 3,883 TWh in 2011. It in fact generated 4,054 TWh- some electricity is lost in transmission, and some is actually bought and sold across our borders with Canada and Mexico- but we're a net importer, with just over 47 TWh imported, the majority of it from Canada. That means that about 5.32% of electricity put onto the grid was wasted, lost through inefficiency.
Generating 4,000 Terrawatt-hours isn't easy, and the US has used a mix of generation strategies to do it.
In 2011, the US generated:
1.8 TWh from Solar Energy
15.3 TWh from Geothermal Energy
19.2 TWh from Biomass and Waste Burning
30.2 TWh from Petroleum & Oil
37.4 TWh from Wood & Wood Derived Fuels
120.2 TWh from Wind Energy
319.4 TWh from Hydro Electric Power
790.2 TWh from Nuclear Electric Power
1,013.7 TWh from Natural Gas
1,733.4 TWh from Coal
25.7 TWh from Other Sources & Unconventional Fuels
And what about our fuels? Well, we used some of them in the generation of the electricity above- but we used more than just that to generate heat for our homes, mechanical energy for our cars and energy for industrial processes and manufacturing. In sum total, we managed to consume a lot:
702,000,000 short tons of Coal
243,935,000,000 Ccf of Natural Gas
282,944,000,000 gallons of Petroleum
243,935,000,000 Ccf of Natural Gas
282,944,000,000 gallons of Petroleum
Overall, all of these energy sources contributed to a total use
of just over 78 Quads of primary energy in 2011. That's
78,000,000,000,000,000 British Thermal Units.
Now that is a pretty big number.